Friday, November 2, 2007

Mills writes on November 1st.........

It's been a while since I have written to ya'll with prayer requests and praises, but I know that your faithful prayers continued and I am blessed by them.

Gabe and I made our way South in Mozambique via public transport and hitch-hiking; this experience is 100's of stories in and of itself. We roade in 3 pick-up trucks, 4 minibuses, 2-18 wheelers (once inside and once on the back), one Land Rover, and PLENTY of walking. We ended up, without planning, at a place called Braia de Tofo, or just Tofo, about 20 k's outside of Inhambane.

After coming down out of the mountains of Mozambique Gabe and I took a bit of time to rest and recover; our bodies were a bit battered and sickly. Fortunately for us, Mozambique has gorgeous beaches... The South of Mozambique is becoming more and more touristy and we were able to find a nice, cheap, backpackers to stay in for 12 days. Living right on the beach has its benefits, namely the fresh seafood daily. (It is actually cheaper than chicken!)

As you may very well be able to imagine, Tofo is a hotspot for backpackers which often leads to a party; every night where we stayed. Gabe being older and wiser was quick to help set up accountability for us with alcohol. The decision to abstain from drunkenness no doubt gave us the opportunity to answer many people's questions as to why. We met one Christian the entire time we were there, who was from Manchester, England. He was also getting some R &R after missions in Mozambique. Gabe and I were able to meet up with him this past Sunday in Cape Town, and he came to church with us. All the exposure to those who don't know our Jesus was a bit of a shock. The ministry to them is so wildly different than the ministry adapted for in Chiconono.

While in Tofo we had the opportunity to dive with whale sharks! Whale sharks are extremely rare, and only found in a few areas around the world. They are most prominent in southern Mozambique. We went out one day and in 2 hours saw 24 whale sharks and 3 manta rays, a very successful trip! While beaching the boat we had an accident and the boat flipped, causing everyone to be thrown off. We had made friends with a German guy named Paul, and when Paul was thrown from the boat he hit the prop from the engine. He was cut on the right side of his chest and across his calf and knee. We rushed him to the hospital (if you can call it that), where he received limited medical attention. After battling over 2 weeks with his insurance company Paul made it to Cape Town yesterday. He is recovering well, and Gabe and I are going to go visit him this week. I'd appreciate any prayers you could send his way, I will be sure to tell him about them. Paul isn't a Christian, but we have a God who is mighty to save. In spite of Paul's ill treatmet in the hospital he remained content and joyful, always mindful that it could have been worse; which really encouraged me. I think that at times I seemed more frustrated than he.

Gabe and I are back in Cape Town now. We had originally made plans to drive to Victoria Falls, but Gabe was called back into work, so those plans changed. I am now hoping that when my mom and dad come in November that we will be able to make the trip.

I would appreciate your prayers concerning my time in Cape Town now. Via Christ Church Devotionals and the Holy Spirit the Lord has been challenging me to "number my days". I am hoping that my time in Cape Town would not be my own, and that I would be able to properly re-adapt to the ministry I need to be involved in here. When in Columbia, I became very comfortable with approaching people and seasoned at diverting the conversation towards eternal matters. However, after living in a country with another language I could only stumble through, I am having to re-adapt into those habits. I appreciate your prayers in this, and thank you for the encouragement they bring.

It is a bit of a shock coming back to Gabe's church and becoming involved there. Our participation in Bible Studies and Youth Group is oddly foreign to me. Where I once was lacking in outside Christian encouragement, I now have plenty. I took for granted the systems we have in place to keep us encouraged and uplifted.

Please be praying that I make the most of the opportunities the Lord puts before me, and simply that I would have the sight to see them.

For freedom,



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